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Earnings (Consolidated)
Item | 24th Fiscal Year | 25th Fiscal Year | 26th Fiscal Year | 27th Fiscal Year | 28th Fiscal Year |
Fiscal Year Ending | March 2020 | March 2021 | March 2022 | March 2023 | March 2024 |
Revenue(1,000 yen) | 3,510,611 | 3,497,933 | 4,634,379 | 6,074,613 | 7,400,748 |
Ordinary income(1,000 yen) | △669,894 | △242,227 | 298,938 | 780,470 | 1,183,519 |
Current Fiscal Year Net income(1,000 yen) | △840,772 | △273,590 | 294,114 | 690,676 | 1,365,334 |
Comprehensive income(1,000 yen) | △840,845 | △270,702 | 254,636 | 649,186 | 1,304,660 |
Shareholders' Equity(1,000 yen) | 548,861 | 341,349 | 785,210 | 1,534,395 | 2,979,898 |
Total Assets(1,000 yen) | 1,481,882 | 1,857,497 | 1,944,359 | 3,040,504 | 4,409,755 |
Net Assets per Share(yen) | 3.24 | 1.6 | 3.97 | 8.5 | 16.78 |
Net Earnings per Share(yen) | △5.17 | △1.66 | 1.79 | 4.19 | 8.27 |
Net Earnings per Share after Reduction in Residual Securities in Current Period(yen) |
- | - | 1.77 | 4.15 | 8.27 |
Asset/Equity Ratio(%) | 36 | 14.2 | 33.6 | 46.1 | 62.8 |
Return on Equity(%) | - | - | 64.2 | 67.2 | 65.5 |
Price Earning Ratio(multiple) | - | - | 118.44 | 58.95 | 24.77 |
Cash Flow from Operations(1,000 yen) | △633,322 | 419,617 | 21,973 | 851,341 | 1,071,855 |
Cash Flow from Investing(1,000 yen) | △57,925 | △53,906 | △271,759 | △200,851 | △213,280 |
Cash Flow from Financing Activities(1,000 yen) | 702,902 | 6,422 | 150,450 | △1,160 | 75,012 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Year End(1,000 yen) | 651,419 | 1,025,466 | 928,688 | 1,580,619 | 2,518,019 |
Number of Employees 〔and Average Number of Temporary Employees〕(number) |
99〔7〕 | 107〔7〕 | 118〔4〕 | 124〔2〕 | 131〔14〕 |